发布时间: 2022年01月05日浏览次数:




TEL: 0592-2663631

Email: zhou_yulin@126.com






1995~1998 南昌大学生命科学学院生物学专业,理学硕士;

2000~2004 厦门大学生命科学学院生化与分子生物学专业,理学博士;


1998~2000 厦门市妇幼保健院检验科,技师;



2013~今 厦门市妇幼保健院产前诊断中心,主任技师;

2006~2008 汕头大学医学院,博士后;

2013~今 厦门大学公共卫生学院教授;

2008~2008 美国加州大学尔湾分校,访问学者;

2005~2005 美国波士顿大学医学院人类遗传中心,访问学者;


2014.01~2019.01 福建省预防医学会出生缺陷预防与控制委员会常务委员;

2015.03~2020.03 中国优生科学协会出生缺陷预防专业委员会常务委员;


2016.01~2020.01 福建省遗传学会理事;


2017.01~2022.01 白求恩研究会临床检验分会委员;

2017.10~2020.09 中国医师协会医学遗传分会出生缺陷防控专业委员会委员;

2017.11~2022.10 厦门市医学会理事;


1. Zhou Y, Xu W, Jiang Y, Xia Z, Zhang H, Chen X, Wang Z, Ge Y, Guo Q. Clinical Utility of a High-Resolution Melting Test for Screening Numerical Chromosomal Abnormalities in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 2020;22(4):523-531. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1525157820300106?via%3Dihub

2. Sun Y, Xiang J, Liu Y, Chen S, Yu J, Peng J, Liu Z, Chen L, Sun J, Yang Y, Yang Y, Zhou Y, Peng Z. Increased diagnostic yield by reanalysis of data from a hearing loss gene panel. BMC Medical Genomics. 2019;12:76. https://bmcmedgenomics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12920-019-0531-6

3. Lu M, Zhou Y, Wang Z, Xia Z, Ren J, Guo Q. Clinical phenotype, in silico and biomedical analyse, and intervention for an East Asian population-specific c.370G>A(p.G124S) CoQ4 mutation in Chinese family with CoQ10 deficiency-associated Leigh syndrome. Journal of Human Genetics. 2019;64:297-304. https://www.nature.com/articles/s10038-019-0563-y

4. Xia Z, Zhou Y, Fu D, Wang Z, Ge Y, Ren J, Guo Q. Carrier screening for spinal muscular atrophy with a simple test based on melting analysis.Journal of Human Genetics. 2019;64:387–396. https://www.nature.com/articles/s10038-019-0576-6

5. Fu D, Zhou Y, Zhao J, Hu P, Xu Z, Lv S, Hu J, Xia Z, Guo Q. Rapid screening for Klinefelter syndrome with a single high-resolution melting assaya multicenter study. Asian Journal of Andrology. 2018; 20(4):349-354. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6038169/

6. Zengge Wang, Yulin Zhou, Ruijuan Yang, Zhongmin Xia, Huan Zeng, Liya Du, Jun Ren, Qiwei Guo. Whole Exome sequencing identifies a c.C2566T mutation in the androgen receptor in a Chinese family. Clin. Lab. 2017;63:1533-1539. https://www.clin-lab-publications.com/article/2518

7. Jing chen, xiaomin Ma, Yulin Zhou, Guimei Li, Qiwei Guo. Recurrent c.G1636A (p.G546S) mutation of COL2A1 in a Chinese family with skeletal dysplasia and different metaphyseal changes: a case report. BMC Pediatrics. 2017;17:175. https://bmcpediatr.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12887-017-0930-9

8. Zengge Wang, Yulin Zhou, Jun Ren, Zhongmin Xia,Qiwei Guo. Evaluation of a magnetic cellulose-based DNA extraction system to improve the performance of hybrobio Human Papillomavirus geneotyping and screening tests for cervical swab samples. Clin. Lab. 2017;63:1647-1655. https://www.clin-lab-publications.com/article/2566

9. Yuanchuan Wang,Hongxiu Zhong,Chonggang Wang, Dongxu Gao, Yulin Zhou,Zhenghong Zuo. Maternal exposure to the water soluble fraction of crude oil, lead and their mixture induces autism-like behavioral deficits in zebrafish(Danio rerio) larvae.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.2016, 134:23-30. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0147651316303141?via%3Dihub

10. Zhang Z, Liang S, Huang H, Wang D, Zhang X, Wu J, Chen H, Wang Y, Rong T, Zhou Y, Banerjee S. A novel pathogenic large germline deletion in adenomatous polyposis coli gene in a Chinese family with familial adenomatous polyposis. Oncotarget. 2016,7(31):50392-50400. https://www.oncotarget.com/article/10408/

11. 王增阁、郭奇伟、周裕林。染色体微缺失微重复综合征遗传检测的现状及展望。中华检验医学杂志,201639407-409. http://med.wanfangdata.com.cn/Paper/Detail?dbid=WF_QK&id=PeriodicalPaper_zhyxjy201606003

12. Yulin Zhou, Ge Y, Xiao L, Guo Q. Rapid and simultaneous screening of 47,XXY and AZF microdeletions by quadruplex real-time polymerase chain reaction. Reprod Biol 2015;15:113-21. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1642431X15000182?via%3Dihub

13. Yulin Zhou, Li Xiao, Qichang Wu, Kaifeng Zhang, Qiwei Guo. Rapid Prenatal Diagnosis of Common Numerical Chromosomal Abnormalities by High-Resolution Melting Analysis of Segmental Duplications. Gentic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers, 2014. 18(3): 141-148. https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/gtmb.2013.0373?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%20%200pubmed

14. Jeon YJ, Zhou Y, Li Y, Guo Q, Chen J, Quan S, Zhang A, Zheng H, Zhu X, Lin J, Xu H, Wu A, Park SG, Kim BC, Joo HJ, Chen H, Bhak J. The feasibility study of non-invasive fetal trisomy 18 and 21 detection with semiconductor sequencing platform. PLoS One. 2014;9(10):e110240. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0110240

15. 江雨、彭桂兰、吴琦嫦、周裕林。实时荧光定量PCR在脊髓肌萎缩症基因检测中的临床应用。中华医学遗传杂志,2014312:180-184. http://www.wanfangdata.com.cn/details/detail.do?_type=perio&id=zhyxycx201402015

16. Qiwei Guo, Li Xiao, Yulin Zhou, Rapid diagnosis of aneuploidy by high-resolution melting analysis of segmental duplications. Clinical Chemistry, 2012, 58(6): 1019-1025. https://academic.oup.com/clinchem/article/58/6/1019/5620844

17. Qiwei Guo, Fenghua Lan, Liangpu Xu, Yu Jiang, Li Xiao, Hailong Huang, Yulin Zhou, Quadruplex real-time PCR assay for molecular diagnosis of Y-chromosomal microdeletions. Fertility and Sterility, 2012, 97(4):864-869. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028212001112?via%3Dihub

18. Yulin Zhou, Xiaohu Xia, Ye Xu, Wei Ke, Wei Yang, Qingge Li. Application of Eu(III) chelates-bonded silica nanoparticle in time-resolved immunofluorometric detection assay for human thyroid stimulating hormone. Anal Chim Acta, 2012, 722: 95-99. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003267012002565?via%3Dihub

19. Yiqun Liao, Yulin Zhou, Qiwei Guo, Xiaoting Xie, Ena Luo, Jian Li, Qingge Li. Simultaneous detection, genotyping, and quantification of human papillomaviruses by multicolor real-time PCR and melting curve analysis. J Clin Microbiol, 2013, 51(2):429-435. https://jcm.asm.org/content/51/2/429.long

20. Qiwei Guo, Yulin Zhou, Xiaobo Wang, Qingge Li, Simultaneous detection of trisomy 13, 18, and 21 using multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification-based real-time PCR. Clinical Chemistry, 2010, 56(9): 1451-1459. https://academic.oup.com/clinchem/article/56/9/1451/5622275

21. Yulin ZhouSanYing Huang, JianYing Zhang, Xuanxian Peng. Analysis of Hepatitis B Virus-Immunoglobulin Isotype Complexes by a Novel Immuno-Capture Polymerase Chain Reaction Method. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. 2003,57:391-396. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1046/j.1365-3083.2003.01240.x?sid=nlm%3Apubmed

22. Xijin Xu,Hui Yang, Aimin Chen, Yulin Zhou, Kusheng Wu, Junxiao Liu, Yuling Zhang, Xia Huo. Birth outcomes related to informal e-waste recycling in Guiyu, China. Reproductive Toxicology, 2012, 33(1): 94-98. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0890623811005272?via%3Dihub

23. Lixing Huang, Chonggang Wang, Youyu Zhang, Jian Li, Yuanfu Zhong, Yulin Zhou, Yixin Chen, Zhenghong Zuo. Benzo[a]pyrene exposure influences the cardiac development and the expression of cardiovascular relative genes in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Chemosphere. 2012,87:369-375. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045653511013956?via%3Dihub

24. Chenyong He, Chonggang Wang, Yulin Zhou, Jian Li, Zhenghong Zuo. Embryonic exposure to benzo(a)pyrene influences neural development and function in rockfish (Sebastiscus marmoratus). Neurotoxicology. 2012, 33(4):758-62. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0161813X12000058?via%3Dihub

25. Strehle EM, Yu L, Rosenfeld JA, Donkervoort S, Zhou Y, Chen TJ, Martinez JE, Fan YS, Barbouth D, Zhu H, Vaglio A, Smith R, Stevens CA, Curry CJ, Ladda RL, Fan ZJ, Fox JE, Martin JA, Abdel-Hamid HZ, McCracken EA, McGillivray BC, Masser-Frye D, Huang T. Genotype-phenotype analysis of 4q deletion syndrome: proposal of a critical region. Am J Med Genet A. 2012, 158A(9):2139-51. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ajmg.a.35502

26. Dan S, Wang W, Ren J, Li Y, Hu H, Xu Z, Lau TK, Xie J, Zhao W, Huang H, Xie J, Sun L, Zhang X, Wang W, Liao S, Qiang R, Cao J, Zhang Q, Zhou Y, Zhu H, Zhong M, Guo Y, Lin L, Gao Z, Yao H, Zhang H, Zhao L, Jiang F, Chen F, Jiang H, Li S, Li Y, Wang J, Wang J, Duan T, Su Y, Zhang X. Clinical application of massively parallel sequencing-based prenatal noninvasive fetal trisomy test for trisomies 21 and 18 in 11,105 pregnancies with mixed risk factors. Prenat Diagn. 2012, 32(13):1225-1232. https://obgyn.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/pd.4002

27. Qichang Wu, Wenbo Wang, Hui Kong, Li Sun, Yunsheng Ge, Yasong Xu, Yulin Zhou. Investigation of the Frequencies of Prenatally Diagnosed Fetal Chromosomal Abnormalities at a Single Institution. Fetal Pediatr Pathol. 2012 May 18. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3109/15513815.2012.684847



2. 863计划项目,2009AA02Z114,常见染色体非整倍体疾病产前诊断试剂的研制;


4. 福建省自然科学基金杰青项目,2009D018,母血中唐氏综合征妊娠胎盘特异表达mRNA的筛选和鉴定;

5. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2008-59,实时荧光MLPA技术产前快速诊断胎儿染色体数目异常的研究;

6. 厦门市卫生重大疾病联合攻关项目,3502Z20149030,应用于孤独症早期诊断高通量测序检测平台的研发;

7. 福建省中青年骨干人才培养重点项目,2013-ZQN-ZD-36,一种简单高效的流产物染色体数目异常检测体系的构建和临床评估;


1.奇伟,周裕林. 一种基因拷贝数变异的检测方法。中国专利号:201110284638.9

2. 郭奇伟,周裕林,江雨,左正宏. Y染色体微缺失多重实时荧光PCR检测试剂盒。专利号:201110189456.3
